Where do Peace Bringers hang during Casualties and Hostilities?

3 min readFeb 25, 2022

I always talk on what’s been happening historically, as every new day makes the last one a history already. And I won’t say anything from my own side, only bring facts.

In past few quite recent years, there has always been some kind of military wars all around the world. Before Ukraine, there’s a list already- where actually no one could take serious action quite quickly. They were either named as “liberation” or “terrorism”.

Short listing few names here where war was justified;



Many of above are still unresolved issues. The peace bringing people only talked and walked away from the situation, forgot-as if nothing happened and everything is settled. And they too went with the same justification of “ liberation” and “terrorism”. And the world shut thier eyes up on that.

Talking about Ukraine, everyone is appealing because they named it with “invasion” , this time.

The question is, keeping in mind of the most recent issue in minds(why didn’t they sided with Palestine,same way?) ;

Why only Ukraine became the center of attention, only? Is it some kind of interests?

Well, just give a thought on it.

War means…

War is a state of emergency where casualties and Hostilities are expected at a very high rate. And is fairly justified to do so. And war can never be peaceful, as world knows it.

A true picture…

Here it is not wrong to mention the “Islam Phobic Attitude” , there always have been. And the portrayed version was the “title of terrorism”. Let’s not forget here, whatever the country is doing or not- Afghanistan did set a peaceful example, which was actually according to the rules of Battlefield in Islam. The true picture of physical Jihad. Yet, they were pinpointed by media on what was not even happening as per a BBC woman reporter.


Going through tweets, I observed and felt the pain the civilians might have been facing. When it’s war without rules, even birds are not forgiven.

Few appeals that are being made regarding women and children and trees, etc…

Peace is not brought through statements. It needs to have some rules abiding. Words through media might also comfort only. Only few raise it through doing something as a practical act.

Observe and try to see the real picture, the bigger picture… Deep condolences on the life losses and May God keep us all safe and give patience to the families of the ones dying in war. Ameen.

